Well, the flood gates certainly opened up at the end of the month...didn't they? We've got a lot of people to thank for their guest contributions to April's theme (and a few welcomed off-topic contributions). So, I'm going to get right to it! A hearty "Thank You" goes out to... Andreas Jonnson - Designing Ambiences in Max/MSP Aurelien Folie and David Sonnenschein - 3 … [Read more...]
A Quick Introduction to SuperCollider
Guest Contribution by Graham Gatheral Let's be honest: code can be daunting. All those words and numbers and operators and punctuation errors... For a start, there's no GUI. How are you supposed to make anything without a GUI?! Well, as we'll see later we can make a GUI-based synth in SuperCollider with just a few dozen lines of code! But let's put GUIs to one side for now, … [Read more...]
Audio Implementation Greats #11: Marrying Toolsets
It may be premature for me to turn the focus of the series towards the future, as we find ourselves deep in the throes of the current generation console development, but I think by now those of us submerged in creating ever-expanding soundscapes for games at times suffer under the burden of our limitations. Of course, it isn't all bad, given a set of constraints and creatively … [Read more...]
“UDK Sound Explorations”, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks on Implementing Sound in UDK
UDK Sound Explorations is a new and promising blog created by sound designer Graham Gatheral with the goal of sharing his finds and tricks on implementing sound with UDK. I've started recording and editing sound for a game built in UDK, so in order to get up to speed on the implementation side of things, I've made a basic level which I can use like a sandbox environment. When I … [Read more...]