Jack and I couldn't shift the site into archive/hibernation mode without putting together one last post. When we announced the decision, we heard from so many in the community about what the site has meant to you over the years. We hope you'll forgive a little self-indulgence as we look back on what the site has meant to us, because it...and all of you...have had a big impact … [Read more...]
Flip the Phase
We decided to challenge ourselves a little this month by making our topic one that's open to some pretty wide interpretations...inversion. We could talk about the technical side of inversion, how it's the backbone of fighting induced noise in the "balanced" cables we use to run audio from one place to another, but there are more interesting interpretations for it. Maybe you … [Read more...]
Fall 2018 Mentored Contributor Positions on Designing Sound
It's that photo again, which means we're opening up our next round of recruitment for mentored volunteers, known as Junior Contributors, to start in December (2018). Mentoring will consist of one-on-one career development with Jack and Shaun, as you contribute to the site and expand your professional network. Please note that the mentoring is NOT focused on technical skills or … [Read more...]
How Would You Define…
...this image? Often times, that's what our job is. We're given an image or an emotion to describe through the use of sound, or sometimes it's a little easier. We're tasked with creating something that doesn't exist in our every day lives, but has enough visual elements we can relate to that we understand what it's purpose is. Do we reinforce that expectation, providing … [Read more...]
A Look at Mentoring
The subject of mentoring is something that's been popping up more and more over the last few years. The context of the discussion centers around the way our industry has changed over the decades, leading to fewer opportunities for young sound designers to learn directly from seasoned professionals. In the recent past, if you wanted a mentor to help guide you in your career, you … [Read more...]
Free sounds from Justin Macleod
Justin Macleod was one of the many winners in a community give away we ran in December of 2016. He sent me this message for the community a few months ago, but it was temporarily lost when we were experiencing issues with the site that ultimately led to us switching servers. Justin wanted to give back to the broader community. So, here's the message and some free sounds for all … [Read more...]
Join the Designing Sound Team
DesigningSound.org is looking for new contributors to begin June (2018), and we're doing things a little differently from the past. The team is comprised of volunteers who contribute their time to enrich the sound design community and promote the sharing of knowledge. The site itself continues to be an add-free source of valuable information and insight on the topic of sound … [Read more...]