Well, the flood gates certainly opened up at the end of the month…didn’t they? We’ve got a lot of people to thank for their guest contributions to April’s theme (and a few welcomed off-topic contributions). So, I’m going to get right to it!
A hearty “Thank You” goes out to…
- Andreas Jonnson – Designing Ambiences in Max/MSP
- Aurelien Folie and David Sonnenschein – 3 Deaf Mice: A sound-music game
- Tadej Droljc – Sonographic Sound Processing
- Graham Gatheral – A Quick Introduction to SuperCollider
- David Nichols – AudioMotors – Review
- Les Stuck – Designing Sound Discussion Group – Les Stuck on Max/MSP
- Mark Durham – Generating Complexity in Max
- Naila Burney – Using Max/MSP to Build a Fictional Language Dialogue System
Thanks again to all of you. And to the rest of our community, remember that we always welcome guest contributions on the site. If you’d like to share your knowledge with the rest of the community, don’t hesitate to contact us.
…and don’t forget to check out the articles posted by our contributing editors as well, if you missed any. ;)
Thanks guys for those amazing treasures.
I’ve been wanting to play around with PureData and Max/MSP for a while but due to lack of time, it’s always been hard to source the right resources to get started. You guys have put some incredible resources there. Naila’s “Fictional Language Dialogue System” was particularly jaw-dropping! I loved the pig dialogues.
‘Sonographic Sound Processing’ does offer amazing possibilities. Along that line, but on a very different medium, you may find the following links on Norman McLaren’s hand-drawn sound interesting:
The ‘intro to SuperCollider’ makes a lot of sense and I can’t wait to find some time to play with it!
Unfortunately I missed the talk on Max/MSP but I look forward to getting the recording.
The audio motors review is quite interesting too.
Many, many thanks guys!!!
I forgot to mention…
I’m really looking forward to Aurelien Folie and David Sonnenschein’s ‘3 Deaf Mice’!
David’s book has been very inspiring so I can’t wait to hear what he does with the game!
Carlos, I’m putting the word out to the pro audio community that we’ll be doing beta testing in a few months on the 3 Deaf Mice game. If you’re interested in being on the list, please send me an email to the3DeafMice@gmail.com, with a one sentence description of your background in audio. It would be great to get your feedback. Thanks!