We are just under two weeks into Dynamics Month here at DS and I think a fantastic site that has been dealing with this concept is GameAudioMix.com. Founded by the sagacious Rob Bridgett; this simple Tumblr blog has some excellent info about some of the most crucial aspects of game audio design. Some of the most recent posts include; overview of iZotope's Insight (which we will … [Read more...]
Thank You to our February Contributors!
The month is wrapping up, and tomorrow we start a new featured topic. It's that time, once again, to thank all of the wonderful people who contributed guest articles and participated in interviews with us here on the site. Owen Green, who contributed not just one, but two articles about loudness and metering Tomoya Kishi, of Capcom, for his herculean effort in sharing … [Read more...]
Loudness In Game Audio
Finishing up Loudness Month here at Designing Sound I asked the good folks at Audiokinetic (makers of Wwise), Firelight Technologies (makers of FMOD) and G.A.N.G. IESD about what is happening in game audio in regards to loudness metering. From the G.A.N.G. IESD Committee: "Loudness and monitoring levels have been very high on the IESD's agenda since the the organization … [Read more...]
Spectral Analysis: Interview with Rob Bridgett
Special thanks to Brad Dyck for submitting this wonderful interview with Rob Bridgett to DesigningSound! GDC RB: It’s funny, see the bags of coffee up there? That’s Sightglass coffee. It’s an incredible coffee shop in San Francisco. It’s funny because that’s where I met Damian (Kastbauer) at GDC this year. It was early, I was a little hung over and saw he tweeted about … [Read more...]
Sinister Resonance – Rob Bridgett
The field sepulchra blog has a fantastic post by Rob Bridgett about recorded silences. Blurb: Listening back to many of these recordings, it is clear they are still recordings of ‘something’, there is activity that just about be heard in nearly all of these recordings. What that barely perceptible activity is, I usually have no idea, and even though it could just be traffic, … [Read more...]
A Revolution in Sound
[Rob Bridgett, audio director on Prototype 2 issues a rallying cry for the mixing of the audio discipline with the rest of the studio, and opening up the closed studio space to collaboration -- perhaps even suggesting a fundamental change in studio structure.] Read more at Gamasutra … [Read more...]
“From the Shadows of Film Sound” by Rob Bridgett, Now for iBooks
Rob Bridgett has released a digital ePub version his book "From the Shadows of Film Sound". It's available now at $9,99. As a practitioner in video game development, Rob Bridgett has explored and written about the connective tissue between film sound production and a newly emerging video game audio production culture. This new volume brings together, for the first time, freshly … [Read more...]