"Earth Is A Solar Powered Jukebox" is the title of Gordon Hempton's newly released book on Quiet Planet. Gordon Hempton, The Sound Tracker®, covers both science and art as we learn about how sound behaves in natural habitats and how this knowledge can be skillfully applied to produce award winning field recordings and compelling sound designs. [...] Novices and experts, alike, … [Read more...]
Search Results for: gordon hempton
New SFX Libraries: April Recap
If you are releasing a new SFX library and you would like it to be included in our recap, send us the details with our SFX Independence Submission Form. Please only notify us of libraries that were released within the last month or substantially updated. Last month, our community produced 15 new sound effects libraries with locations ranging from deep ravines secluded from … [Read more...]
News: The Northwest Soundscapes Project Kickstarter
With his Kickstarter ending on 2 April, Andy Martin (Senior Sound Designer at Sucker Punch) will spend the next year capturing sounds from the last great untouched North American wilderness for The Northwest Soundscapes Project. The idea for the sound library transpired while recording birds and wildlife for Sucker Punch's inFAMOUS Second Son. The more time he … [Read more...]
“ADC, it’s easy as 1 10 11” – A Retrospective from the Pros
I was born in England in 1988. Some of my earliest memories involve old BBC and Mac computers. I grew up listening to CDs, MiniDisks, playing "Duck Hunt" on my sister's NES. The dial-up modem sounds are imprinted on my memory. I recall my father ordering books from Amazon.com back when that's all Amazon sold. In my teen years I assembled my own computer to save money and grew … [Read more...]
SFX Independence – September 2014 (Part 1)
It has been a little while since the last SFX Independence post. So many new sfx libraries have come to our attention during that time that this roundup comes in two parts, designed to make it more digestible. Part 2 will follow later in the week. Our aim is to provide readers information about the best and most innovative independent sound effects library available, so if … [Read more...]
Interview with Patrick Shen
I've previously talked about the importance of increasing communication between the sound community and our collaborators. This month's topic provided the perfect opportunity to bring an outside voice to the Designing Sound community. Patrick Shen is director of the documentary "In Pursuit of Silence," and I'm happy to be able to bring you his thoughts on the subject! Would … [Read more...]
“How to Record Waves” on Quiet Planet
Gordon Hempton has a new article up on his Quiet Planet website talking about recording waves. Find a beach exposed to the open ocean (high-energy) with a large tidal change (higher latitudes) at least several miles from the nearest frequently used road (wilderness) that slopes sharply, so at low tide you encounter diverse substrates (sand, gravel, cobblestones). Head here to … [Read more...]