Guest Contribution by Victor Zottmann Marcelo Goedert is an audio producer specialized in radio and advertisement productions, who is now working as an executive producer for motion pictures. Recently, he has produced the Brazilian feature film, Uma Loucura de Mulher. In addition, Marcelo has studied both Communication and Business Management at a Masters level at Universidade … [Read more...]
VR Audio: Trends and Challenges of Pioneering a New Field
Virtual reality is a new frontier for audio and sound design. The industry is buzzing with potential and new technology, though many elements have yet to be figured out or agreed upon. Travis Fodor is an audio engineer, editor and sound designer who has worked with a variety of VR startups and 360 video projects as well as the Music and Audio Research Group at … [Read more...]
Michel Chion’s analog tape techniques
Guest Contribution by Michel Chion For this month's theme, french composer and researcher Michel Chion very kindly allowed me to translate a tutorial he wrote about analog tape techniques. This tutorial is actually an appendix of a book on the much larger subject of concrete music, La musique concrète, art des sons fixés (the examples given by Chion are also from music … [Read more...]
Serj Phomin—How I’ve Pushed the Boundary at Phonophilist
Serj Phomin is the founder of Phonophilist, an independent sound effects studio that produces dozens of libraries featuring woodworking, boats, farm animals, tools, cars, water, impulse responses and more. In this interview, Serj expanded upon the original 'Pushing the Boundary' questionnaire to give more details about his work philosophies and experiences. To hear about … [Read more...]
Strategies to Improve Your Workflow
Guest Contribution by Victor Zottmann “You are fired!” - says your client. "Well, why would he? - you think. I've done what they asked for and delivered it on time.” Your client won’t tell you what you did wrong. Rather, he/she will simply fire you and look for someone else. There’s more involved than delivering on time. When I got out of sound school, I debuted as a sound … [Read more...]
Thank You to All Our Contributors
We'd like to thank everyone who wrote in and shared their stories for last month's theme, Pushing the Boundary. These contributions not only gave insight into the diverse backgrounds of those entering sound and advice to anyone starting out, they also shared invaluable philosophies for how to make audio a lasting career. So take it from our contributors and make this … [Read more...]
The Importance of 3D Audio for VR
This is a guest contribution by Chris Hegstrom. Chris started his audio career doing live sound for Blue Man Group while studying Music Synthesis at Berklee College of Music. He got into the games industry by way of web audio & shipped console titles like Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Star Wars Ep. 3, Burnout Paradise & God of War 3. In 2010 he joined Microsoft … [Read more...]