Guest post by Matthew Marteinsson So podcasts… there’s a lot of them. I’ve been running one for three years now and feel we’ve got a pretty good listenership. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. It’s Beards, Cats, And Indie Game Audio, or #BCAIGA as I like to call it. (I’ve got a thing for unwieldy acronyms). I co-host with Gordon … [Read more...]
Worldwide Game Audio Groups
Time spent, the short amount of time that we have together, in conversation between people has a way of rapidly accelerating the incubation of thoughts inside one's own head. Whether you share this opinion now, as a reflection of your experiences, or come to this realization later in life - when the moments that came before feel like the endless flickering of the … [Read more...]
Women In Sound
This is a guest contribution by Sarah King who works at Grand Central Recording Studios in London, a sound design and audio post production facility, creating award winning sound for TV, cinema, online, interactive audio and radio productions. Having worked within the creative sector for the last 10 years, the latter four of which at Grand Central Recording Studios … [Read more...]
The VR Soundscape of Secret Sorcery’s Tethered
Guest Contribution by Kenny Young Tethered is an immersive VR strategy game in which you take on the role of a god-like spirit tasked with looking after your flock of ‘Peeps’, the cute but simple-minded inhabitants of the beautiful, floating archipelagos that you gaze down upon from your lofty seat amongst the clouds. This disembodied third person perspective sets the … [Read more...]
Auditory Icons
Guest Contribution by Chris Didlick The term ‘auditory icons’ was coined by Bill Gaver in the early 1980’s during his research into the use of sound for Apple’s file management application ‘Finder’. This term has become commonplace in the shifting world of digital and is deemed the sonic equivalent to visual icons seen within most operating systems, whether that be on your … [Read more...]
I need your mixer, your mics and all your loudspeakers
Baptiste Chatel's workstation in Rennes (France) This article is a guest post by Baptiste Chatel (Dijon, France) who “works virtually everywhere in Europe as musician and sound engineer” and “likes low sounds, high sounds, and every other type of sounds in the middle as long as they are loud”. … [Read more...]
Sound Design for Theater: Another Medium for Our Craft
Guest post by James Richter In 2007, I was invited to join Mutineer Theatre Company in Los Angeles, a new enterprise one of my colleagues was founding. Though I hadn’t participated in theater since high school, I jumped at the chance. I wasn’t getting many opportunities to use my composition training in film, and I was growing bored with mixing mono news pieces for public … [Read more...]