So how did we pick this week's winners? We took the two users who asked questions that generated the most discussion, and the two users who answered the most questions (with overall reputation as a tie breaker), then randomly drew names out of a hat to assign our prizes. So here they are... BernC wins a copy of Krotos Dehumaniser II for answering 5 questions this week … [Read more...]
Round 2 Winners and Next Week’s Prizes
Congratulations to this weeks winners! This week, the staff of Designing Sound watched the activity and selected their "contributors of note." Once that was done, we randomly drew names out the hat for each prize. And the winners are... Selected by Wilfried - user mattesque for his mention of some great free plugins here. mattesque has won a copy of Sound Particles … [Read more...]
Win two SFX libraries from Dynamic Interference!
Are you currently working on a game/movie/TV show taking place in a museum? Is this museum located in the Middle East? Are you scratching your head trying to find the right ambiances to make this your sound design masterpiece? Well... struggle no more, as you've now enter the realms of joy and relief! Indeed, thanks to Dynamic Interference, we are happy to annonce the … [Read more...]
This Week’s Soundsnap Winners…and Next Week’s Prizes
Congrats to this week's winners! Here's how we picked them this week... Most Popular Question (by votes) - Jason (flamewhell) Most Popular Answer (by votes) - noisejockey Biggest Supporter (they who cast the most votes) - KJ22 Thank you to Soundsnap for sponsoring this week! We won't be using these methods to select winners for next week's prizes. We've got an entirely … [Read more...]
Everything We’re Giving Away This Month!
First off... Congrats to DSX user Pierre-Marie Blind! You're our first winner, and you get this awesome software bundle from Soundmorph! We still have a ton more to give away this month. What are we giving away? All this... Software: Software bundle from Soundmorph (Already awarded) 2 Licenses of Sound Particles Zynaptiq Morph Zynaptiq Adaptiverb … [Read more...]
Pushing the Boundary – Your Stories: SFX Creators, Part 3
If you are a sound effects or synth creator who has submitted a library to the Designing Sound monthly recaps and you would like to contribute to this series (and for some you haven't received the questionnaire—check your spam folder), please email [email protected]. In this third installment about how SFX creators have pushed artistic and professional … [Read more...]
SFX Independence – September 2014 (Part 1)
It has been a little while since the last SFX Independence post. So many new sfx libraries have come to our attention during that time that this roundup comes in two parts, designed to make it more digestible. Part 2 will follow later in the week. Our aim is to provide readers information about the best and most innovative independent sound effects library available, so if … [Read more...]