Will Stowell is a freelance sound designer & dialogue editor living around Seattle, WA.
“I’ve always had a work mentality of no goofing off when at work, but when working at home, it’s different.”
“I find that when working on a long, boring project, I will start to drift into my web browser and check up on stuff, look at gear I wish I could buy or end up Googling some random question / thing / issue.
To combat this, I:
Take a break when tired.
Coffee time! Get enough sleep! Even a quick break.
Have confidence in a decision and move on.
The point I find myself weakest to distractions is when a challenge pops up. The quicker you make a decision, the quicker you can fail or succeed. Either is fine, but better to fail quickly and learn. I’ve accepted that learning is part of the process. I also have an idea on how fast I can work and that is pretty valuable. This allows me to plan my time beforehand and set a pace.
I try not to rely on passion alone to get me through a project, but just good time management and pacing myself. Otherwise, I find that when other people rely on me to get something done, that’s really all I need!”
Great ideas. As a Physical Learner, I find that just walking will break the deadlock. Maybe a long hike if it’s a really tough “wall.”