As the year continues, many of these posts will be philosophical in nature. Some will be in contradiction to previous postings. These are not intended as truths or assertions, they’re merely thoughts…ideas. Think of this as stream of consciousness over a wide span…
Sound is a representation of time.
Actually, that doesn’t sit right. Sound IS time.
If you think about the differences between a picture and a sound captured over an infinitely short span of time, you’ll understand what I mean. A picture is a representation of space. Something captured in a true instant generates a visual field which can be looked at, studied…understood. Time may be required to do all of those things, but the image exists.
The same is not true for sound. A sound captured in the same way is nothing. Attempting to continuously play back that representation for study would be like running a DC signal into a speaker. It would instantly deflect to a given position, and remain there as long the current continues. You would hear nothing.
Without time, sound does not exist.
This just blew my mind. Awesome.