The fourth annual FilmSoundHamburg got under way in Hamburg on Sunday evening – an event that will bring together enthusiasts from the worlds of sound design, film composition and game music for five days of workshops and seminars and masterclasses.
Among the highlights will be four separate masterclasses given by Tim Nielsen of Skywalker Sound (Maleficient, Lord of the the Rings, John Carter), and composers Olivier Deriviére (Assassin’s Creed IV, Remember Me), Javier Navarrete (Pan’s Labyrinth, Mirrors, Hemmingway & Gellhorn) and Lisle Moore (who has composed trailer music for Maleficient and the last three FIFA World Cups). In addition, a number of workshops and seminars will also be taking place.
FilmSoundHamburg takes place from June 29th until July 4th in Hamburg, Germany. Some places are still available so check the website for the full programme and price list.
FilmSoundHamburg programme of events
FilmSoundHamburg on Facebook
Is there a conference this summer?