A big thank you to Dennis Foley of Acoustic Fields for sharing his knowledge with us this past weekend. We’ll be hosting the follow-up webinar, Room Treatment, on August 24th at 1PM (Eastern)/10AM (Pacific). Registration for that webinar will be open at the end of next week.
The internet never fails to throw us a curve ball though. ;)
We found out on Saturday that AnyMeeting.com has recently restricted the recording ability to premium members only. Thankfully, a very fine gentleman by the name of Dominic Argar was capturing the presentation on his computer and has graciously shared it with us…so that we can share it with you. Thank you, Dom! [ed. You should thank him in the comments below too. ;)] We’re looking into doing this ourselves to ensure that we continue to provide recordings of all of our future webinars.
The slides from the presentation are also available for download.
Getting very choppy audio here, difficult to hear. But did he say they were using charcoal for LF absorption? Wow, that’s new…
Yep its pretty revolutionary stuff and why I’ve been following Dennis and the team for a while now. I heard it in action in Saltmine Studios and I’ve never heard anything like it! Quite phenomenal. To hear is to believe.