is on the lookout for capable News Editors and Contributing Editors for our blog. This is an unpaid, volunteer position (just like the rest of us). has no revenue so please don’t apply expecting a 401k.
For News Editors: we’re looking for content aggregators who will keep up on interesting articles, editorials and library releases; providing “block quotes” from said content and links out to our friends and fellow conspirators in the community…perhaps with the occasional nugget that appeals to the gear lust in all of us.
For Contributing Editors: we’re looking for more people to do what we already do. News, reviews, interviews and insights into the many sorts of multimedia audio we take part in. Contributing Editors will be expected to do much more than a News Editor and long interviews, editorials and articles which will require more effort and time.
-Reliability. You will be expected to make multiple posts in a month (for News Editors in a week), sometimes at short notice. And you will be expected to do so *every* month. If you are incapable of this please do not apply.
-Autonomy. We are looking for self-motivated and self-sufficient audio professionals who also want to help out the audio community without being having to be poked to get work done.
How to apply:
-Send your portfolio (Audio and/or Writing) as well as a writing sample to: [email protected]
-State in the email subject which you are applying for: “Contributing Editor” or “News Editor”
If you do not have a writing sample then please make one before applying. The writing sample can be an example news post, a full article or a review of a product.
Applications will remain open for the entirety of May 2013 and we will begin selection in June.
Just in relation to applying for the volunteer position, what are you looking for in the portfolio? Tracks? Sounds? Above email is not working either.
Eric Grehan
Audio portfolios and/or writing portfolios if possible. We’d like to see audio stuff to make sure the applicant knows what they’re talking about.
Hi, am an audio engineering student opting to sound designing and am interested in above project…
can you please explain what i excatly want to do?
Thank you