Ben Allen has written up a fantastically detailed and informative post on Logic Pro for Film & TV Mixing. I personally use Logic Pro all the time and take great joy in seeing stuff like this floating around. Ben has even provided a download link to the full project so you can muck around in his mix and absorb some of his power, Ravenous-style. I recommend Logic users and non-users alike taking a look. A bit about transitioning from Soundtrack Pro:
Having worked in radio briefly before getting into the camera department at a TV station, I’ve always retained an affection for sound and mixing in particular. Until Soundtrack Pro came bundled with Final Cut Studio, there was a big gap between mixing as best you could in your editing application and handing the files over to a traditional sound studio.
In many ways, my experiences with sound studios over the years has been similar to my relationship with colour grading suites. I’ve always felt privileged to have a front row seat when watching a great mixer or colorist in full flight, and yet I always wanted more time, more freedom and a more direct connection to the material.
And here is a bit about compression:
In most sound mixing Equalisation & Compression are vital tools and no less so in Film & TV mixing. One of the things I like about Logic Pro 9 is that any Channel on the Mixer that has the Channel EQ as an Insert Effect (plugins applied directly to the Mixer Channel) displays the EQ curve on a display at the top of the Channel Strip.
The thing that’s great about this if you’re coming from years with Soundtrack Pro is that one of the most common things you do in a mix is apply and tweak the EQ and here it’s a simple matter off double-clicking that graph to add or adjust the EQ. It also means that a quick skim across the mixer reveals very clearly, which Channels have EQ applied and an overview of what it’s doing.
In this mix we tended to avoid too much compression, which is a little unusual for a commercial, but not at all for drama. I tried adding some Compression to the Output Channel but we even found that this was taking some of the air and drama out of the mix.