Audiokinetic have released Wwise version 2012.1, which focuses on new features, workflow enhancements and a variety of performance and bug fixes.
The headline new feature is undoubtedly the introduction of seven iZotope plug-ins for Windows and Xbox 360. Included in the suite are:
- Hybrid Reverb
Hybrid Reverb allows the user to import an impulse file, extract the early reflections, and separately control the reverb tail. Includes 14 impulse responses.
- Trash Filters
36 sweepable filter styles including: synth, standard analog, resonant analog, retro and talkbox. An assortment of 84 different speaker, cabinet, amp, and effect box models, each with a selection of 3 different microphone types: dynamic, condenser, and ribbon.
- Trash Distortion
47 different distortion types including: ‘overdrive’, ‘distortion’, fuzz’, ‘retro’, and ‘faulty’.
- Trash Multi Band Distortion
3 bands allowing for up to 2 Trash distortions per band with independent control over each crossover.
- Trash Box Models
84 different box, speaker, cabinet, amp and effect box models each with 3 microphone types: dynamic, condenser, and ribbon.
- Trash Dynamics
Compressor and Gate ideal for adding variety in real-time.
- Trash Delay
1 second delay with 6 delay types including: Tape, Tube, Analog, LoFi Digital, Broken Bit, and Digital.
Among other features includes Nested Work Units, to simplify the workflow for multi-user projects, Unity Pro Integration and pipeline support for the Wii U
To download the latest version, visit the Audiokinetic downloads page.
Unity Pro integration!? Thank you!