Richard Stevens has uploaded a tutorial map built in the Unreal 3 engine at the IASIG education working group page.
The group aims to facilitate education in all things interactive audio related and we’re currently developing international curriculum guidelines for the subject that we hope will prove useful to educators and also to students looking for courses. For our own teaching and for a presentation at the recent AES convention we’ve built a map in Unreal that covers a number of interactive audio topics and we’ve decided to now make it publicly available via the IASIG site.
Did you like that? do not forget to visit Richard’s blog. Has a lot of valuable information that you will like!
Via: GameAudioForum
This map is amazing, and I have learned a few new tricks already! Now that Epic has released the UDK, which lets you develop a standalone game, this information is more important than ever!
I would love it if you did a part 2 one day, and took on the new audio functions in the UDK.
Excellent job!