With this article I really wanted to find out about the nuts and bots of vehicle engine sound design and implementation. So I contacted a few people and got some great responses and a fascinating insight into the process. My thanks to Stephen Baysted, Audio Director and Composer at Slightly Mad Studios, Greg Hill, Sound Designer at Soundwave Concepts, Adam Boyd, Sound Designer … [Read more...]
Car Engine Approximation In Max
Years ago, when I first started dabbling in the deep and dark world of Max/MSP, I attempted to create the sound of a car engine. This month's theme (which is 'vehicles', if you didn't know) reminded me about it. I opened up the patch after ages and was a bit appalled by the state of it. There are hidden skeletons in every old patch! Instead of digging through a … [Read more...]
Tim Walston Special: It Might Be Loud: Sound Design for “The Fast and the Furious” (2001)
[Written by Tim Walston for Designing Sound] Disclaimer: I am writing these articles as an independent sound designer. Any views or opinions expressed here are simply my own, and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any company, corporate entity or anyone else. Any images or sounds presented are subject to copyright by their respective owners, and are … [Read more...]
Jordan Fehr Launches Independent SFX Library
[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/17246101[/vimeo] Jordan Fehr FX is a new independent sound effects library founded by Jordan Fehr, freelance sound designer based in Ohio. The first release is called Power From The Past, a collection of recordings taken from a made-and-break engine. Power From The Past is my first sound effects library for other designers. It is a collection of … [Read more...]
Recording Cars for "Forza Motorsport 3"
Check this interesting article at Jalopnik featuring the car recording sessions for "Forza Motorsport 3". In a way, it's best to think of driving sims as being like the movies, where huge amounts of lighting and makeup are required in order to make people look exactly like they do in real life. Along the same lines, you cannot simply stuff an expensive microphone up the … [Read more...]
Charles Deenen Special: Car Recording Guide
The following article contains small excerpts of the 65 page “Need for Speed” Car Recording Guidebook, published internally at Electronic Arts, written by Charles Deenen. Car sounds are some of the most inspiring and entertaining sounds to record. Like a human voice, each car has a signature sound, with the driver being the actor. Recording these machines should be simple … [Read more...]
From UT3 to UDK: Top 10 Changes to the Unreal Audio System
Chris Latham from Engineaudio has published a video with his top 10 changes to the Unreal Audio System from UT3 to UDK. 10. New Sound Actor Icons 9. Multiple Sound Slots for AmbientSounds 8. SoundGroups are now called SoundClasses 7. SoundClass Editor 6. Ambient Zones 5. Visual of Min Radius 4. Switch from OpenAL to XAudio2 3. Improved Distance Models 2. Improved Low Pass … [Read more...]