This wasn’t an easy decision, but growing responsibilities and demands on my time dictate that something has to come off of my plate. Despite reducing its frequency (several months ago) the Sound Design Challenge remains a large time investment, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to apply the appropriate amount of effort it deserves. I’d rather end it than run it in a haphazard manner. The decision had been finalized while the previous competition (SDC013) was still open for entries. The flub that happened during the judging of that challenge did not contribute to this decision, it was merely a symptom of the conditions that lead to it.
All this being said, the event may not disappear entirely. If the right opportunities arise, it will continue in the future. It will simply be a less regular, and more random, occurrence. I hope people enjoyed the events and were able to pull some interesting ideas out of the creative challenges. Thanks for participating and making them all so unique.
Hi Shaun. Im very sorry to hear this. Your challenges, and posts, have helped and inspired alot of people here.
I can understand your thoughts about this, and wish you all the best:) Thanks alot. Best wishes, Mikkel
I think a big thank you to Shaun is in order for coming up with the awesome Sound Design Challenge and keeping it going for as long as he has done. Not to mention all the prizes he managed to arrange. I think most of us can’t fully appreciate the amount of time required to run the monthly SDC. It was a fantastic experiment and I for one, was really impressed with the quality and diversity of each entry.
I am sad to see the end of this era but I hope to see a return at some point in the future, even if it’s for the occasional one off.
Really sad to know that SDC is going on a hiatus. Thanks for the amazing and diverse challenges, Shaun. Totally appreciate the effort that goes under the hood. I am sure many Sound enthusiasts will be missing SDC a big time.
Looking forward to the once in a blue moon challenges which will pop up in the future. Cheers.
I am also disappointed that this is going, I always looked forward to see what the new challenge was, and this then pushed me to work with new ideas and expand my creative thought and process.
I loved the way that every challenge differed greatly and really enjoyed seeing each entry, this gives a really great insight into how others approach the same task.
I understand that this must have been hard to keep running and want to thank you Shaun for the great efforts so far. I truely hope that this will return at some point in the future and look forward to it very much.
Until then, I will just have to challenge myself ha ha.
Cheers again Shaun
I found this site while taking a Film Sound class last semester. I was very excited to participate in the contest this month. Most of the reason I subscribed and visit the site was based on these contests. Bad timing, I guess. I hope they return.
I hope they return too.
If there’s a group of people that could volunteer to keep it afloat, maybe they could get together.
Thanks so much for putting them on and I understand having too much on your plate… I’ve been bummed since I haven’t had the time to submit to the contests lately (but luckily that’s because I’ve been getting a lot of work!).
To those who wish for sound design challenges, you should reach out to fellow filmmakers looking for collaboration on projects with no budget, as they are willing to work with any sound designer who is willing to offer their time for free, and I’ll tell you, you’ll learn a lot from working on a short film, and not just knowledge about sound design, but working with directors, editors, producers, etc. which is vital to succeeding in this career. So go! Head to or Craigslist (check Mandy first : D) and start some challenges for yourself, you won’t regret it!
Grateful to have been a part of the competitions, thanks again Shaun!
I just want to thank you for these challenges I really enjoyed participating and judging.
It was a great way to discover talents, listen to a lot of different ideas and also exchange between sound lovers.
You did a great job and I’m sure people are eager to participate to the next SDC !!
Thanks again !
This sound design challenge were really good. It’s sad but i think that if you can’t deal with it anymore it’s maybe also because you must have other things important to do. So I wish you the best! And thanks for your time spent to this spot.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I know of one person who is hard at work putting together a similar event. If/when it gets off the ground, you can be sure we’ll spread the word here.
Sad to hear this. I’ve only recently stumbled upon this site and was thouroughly looking forward to participating. Thank you providing such a great resource here. I hope someone else can take up the SDC somewhere else.
Is there an archive of past winners/videos anywhere? I’d love to play with some of the videos anyway.
Thanks again and happy 2012 from Ireland.
What sad news. I also was looking forward to participate on the next SDC. I sincerely hope someone takes it up and maybe by a collaboration can create future SDC’s. It has been SUCH an inspiration.
Happy 2012 from Denmark,