"Earth Is A Solar Powered Jukebox" is the title of Gordon Hempton's newly released book on Quiet Planet. Gordon Hempton, The Sound Tracker®, covers both science and art as we learn about how sound behaves in natural habitats and how this knowledge can be skillfully applied to produce award winning field recordings and compelling sound designs. [...] Novices and experts, alike, … [Read more...]
“ADC, it’s easy as 1 10 11” – A Retrospective from the Pros
I was born in England in 1988. Some of my earliest memories involve old BBC and Mac computers. I grew up listening to CDs, MiniDisks, playing "Duck Hunt" on my sister's NES. The dial-up modem sounds are imprinted on my memory. I recall my father ordering books from Amazon.com back when that's all Amazon sold. In my teen years I assembled my own computer to save money and grew … [Read more...]