In a new entry in their podcast series, SoundWorks Collection speaks to Michael Raphael of Rabbit Ears Audio and Rudy Trubitt, Director of Audio for Lionel Trains. They discuss Rudy and Michaels experiences in sourcing new steam whistles for Lionel's new products, exploring the challenges presented in recording the high-SPL steam whistles and the recording techniques they used, … [Read more...]
Rev. Dr. Brad Meyer on the PS4 controller speaker
Ever considered using the built-in speaker in the PS4 controller in a sound design? Or are you just curious about some creative approaches to special-case speakers for games? Check out this post by the Rev. Dr. Brad Meyer on the subject over at his blog for some quick info on effective approaches to controller speakers. … [Read more...]
SFX Independence – February 2015
The first SFX Independence edition of 2015 is here, with a whole host of new and recently-released sfx packs, and a few special offers. Don't forget to use the SFX Independence Submission Form if you've got an independent sfx collection that's recently or about to be, released. Tone Manufacture New York … [Read more...]
SFX Independence – November 2014
If you create independent sound effects libraries and would like us to consider your recently-released library for inclusion in a future roundup, use the SFX Independence Submission Form to tell us all about it. Tovusound - India Ambience / CityBeeps Cologne Tovusound have made available two ambience packs that will … [Read more...]
An Acousmatic Invitation
An epiphany Silence! Be quiet! Because listening is active, because the birds have already left but their sound still reverberates. Silent all ears that listen, stunned by the noise that is gone but still relishes. The soundtrack? Our life! That one of changes, transition, mutation and mysteries, that one able to peer into the recesses of the deepest realities, responsible for … [Read more...]
Practical Exercises for Critical Listening
Sound designers by nature have an inherent curiosity towards sound. We explore the way sounds work every time we approach a project. With each new opportunity to design a sound, we ask ourselves questions such as: What object/event produced the sound(s)? Where is the sound source located in relation to the listener, and just as importantly, how does (or how will) the sound … [Read more...]
Vehicle Engine design – Project CARS, Forza Motorsport 5 and REV
With this article I really wanted to find out about the nuts and bots of vehicle engine sound design and implementation. So I contacted a few people and got some great responses and a fascinating insight into the process. My thanks to Stephen Baysted, Audio Director and Composer at Slightly Mad Studios, Greg Hill, Sound Designer at Soundwave Concepts, Adam Boyd, Sound Designer … [Read more...]