First let me say to those reading this in the United States, I hope you're enjoying the tail end of the Thanksgiving break. To those outside the U.S., I hope you'll forgive my weak attempt at a segue from a real-life holiday to a blog post title. Right, so with 'thanks' and 'giving' on my mind, I thought I'd share some views on what is probably my least favorite aspect of … [Read more...]
Bruce Tanis Special: Scale/Perspective on Cutting Sound Effects
Creating sounds for gadgets, machinery, and weapons beyond any mundane character they may have as ordinary objects is a core task of sound effects design. To be sure, there are many of these core tasks, or categories, that most of our work as designers falls into. Creatures and Monsters, Alien Planets, Future Tech, and Comic Book Violence effects are examples of some others. … [Read more...]