Chuck Russom sent out an email this morning that I think quite a few people will be glad to see: Six months ago I shut down Chuck Russom FX and exited the sound library business. I truly belived I was done and the business would not return. Over time, I have heard from many of you. I have recieved countless messages of support and as time moved on and I've been contacted … [Read more...]
Chuck Russom FX Releases Beeps
Chuck Russom has released a new sfx library called Beeps. It's available at $25, but you can use a discount code ($5 off) created for Designing Sound readers. Code is BEEPDS. This sound library is a collection of beeps, blips, and buzzers. Designed to provide source for user interface sounds, sci fi projects, hi tech computers/machines, and anywhere that a good set of beeps … [Read more...]
Blood and Guts, New Library of Chuck Russom FX
Chuck Russom FX has released Blood and Guts, a library recorded/produced by Chuck Russom and sound designer Rob King, and created for sound designers who are looking for sources usable for designing sounds of blood, flesh ripping, bone breaking, dismemberments, zombies... you got the idea! The sounds were not just recorded for being part of this library originally. These … [Read more...]
Chuck Russom FX Releases Gun Handling SFX Library
Chuck Russom FX has released Gun Handling HD PRO, a new library loaded with 417 sounds from 13 different guns. Gun Handling is a collection of Gun Mechanism and handling sounds. Featuring sounds from 13 different rifles, handguns, and shotguns. Included are sounds such as: gun cocking, magazine inserts/removes, bullets being loaded, dry firing, and more. All sounds are newly … [Read more...]
“Metal Impacts”, New SFX Library of Chuck Russom FX, Q&A Included
Chuck Russom has announced the release of Metal Impacts, a new SFX library loaded with more than 900 sounds. Metal Impacts could be called a sword library, but no actual swords were used to create it. My goal was to put together a set of sounds that could be used to design swords and other metal weapons. With a creative imagination, you’ll find many other uses for these … [Read more...]
Chuck Russom FX Re-Releases Fireworks HD SFX Library
By popular demand, Chuck Russom has decided to Re-Release the Fireworks HD SFX Library that he released some time ago as limited edition. What do you get when you have a couple hundred bucks worth of fireworks, a swimming pool, some recording gear, and a free afternoon? You get a pretty unusual library of fireworks sounds. This library features 40 recordings of various … [Read more...]
Chuck Russom FX Releases Rain SFX Library (Limited Edition)
Chuck Russom has announced the release of a limited edition of Rain, a new sound effects library loaded with over 20 minutes of rain recording. December Rain is a “Limited Edition” mini-sound library. Available until December 31, 2010. This library features over 20 mins of rain recorded at 24bit 96K. Each recording is between :40 and 1:45 long. Includes 12 files, total library … [Read more...]