Chris Latham from Engineaudio has published a video with his top 10 changes to the Unreal Audio System from UT3 to UDK. 10. New Sound Actor Icons 9. Multiple Sound Slots for AmbientSounds 8. SoundGroups are now called SoundClasses 7. SoundClass Editor 6. Ambient Zones 5. Visual of Min Radius 4. Switch from OpenAL to XAudio2 3. Improved Distance Models 2. Improved Low Pass … [Read more...]
New Changes on Designing Sound!
I started Designing Sound on 2009 with a main idea: share sound design stuff for everyone. Over time the site has reached new territories, more people, and therefore I have seen the need to grow more every day, both in content and features that offer better choices every day for you, the life of Designing Sound. That is why today I am proud to introduce some changes on … [Read more...]