Guido Helbling from Avosound has 10 more tips for Soundminer that are aimed at experienced users and beginners alike. From setting VST render tails to renaming databases, these tips are just as easy as the original 10 tips for Soundminer and will help you speed up your workflow in no time! … [Read more...]
News: The Anti-Antisocial Field Recording Method by Avosound
We've all been there: You travel to a new place (e.g. Yellowstone Nat'l Park) to capture its open atmospheres and unique animals (prairie dogs and buffalo), but every time you press record you are interrupted by human activity (motorcycles!). Whether recording new places across the world or just few hours away, we're often reminded we aren't the only ones on the planet—making … [Read more...]
New SFX Libraries: November Recap
(Source: Flickr) If you are releasing a new SFX library and you would like it to be included in our recap, send us the details with our SFX Independence Submission Form. Please only notify us of libraries that were released within the last month. In this month's SFX recap we hear the soundscapes of Berlin & Japan, adventure games, scary horror sounds & … [Read more...]
Pushing the Boundary – Your Stories: SFX Creators, Part 6
If you are a sound effects or synth creator who has submitted a library to the Designing Sound monthly recaps and you would like to contribute to this series (and for some you haven't received the questionnaire—check your spam folder), please email In this sixth installment about how SFX creators have pushed artistic and professional … [Read more...]
New SFX Libraries: May Recap
If you are releasing a new SFX library and you would like it to be included in our recap, send us the details with our SFX Independence Submission Form. Please only notify us of libraries that were released within the last month or substantially updated. There was a record number of submissions last month with 21 new libraries, and two of them are free! So if … [Read more...]