There is a cool crowdsource library getting organized over at Audible Worlds. Site runner Mike Niederquell's explanation says it best: The goal of this library is to capture 3-5 minutes of crowds or walla from your local region. It's best if the conversations in the recordings are unintelligible, which is why we are using the term "walla" to describe this project. We realize … [Read more...]
Audible Worlds launches Crowdsourced Sound Library
Audible Worlds is inviting sound recordists all over the world to contribute to a new sound library, the 'World SFX Ambience Library'. With the stated aim that "over 200 recordists from all over the world contribute a 3-5 minute recording of ambience from their region", it's an ambitious project. The idea of crowdsourcing sound libraries is not new, but is gaining traction all … [Read more...]