Article by Jeff Seamster. Jeff had originally wanted to include this during his feature month this past December. Circumstances conspired against it, but thankfully he wasn't willing to give up. So, now we have another great article to share with you. Enjoy! Make a quick list of your 5 favorite video games or films in terms of sound design. I’ll wager they all have something … [Read more...]
David Sonnenschein Special: Exploring Aesthetics, Pt. 2
This is part 2 of the conversation David and I had about aesthetics. Part 1 can be found here. Designing Sound: So, we've been talking about ways to identify and develop your own personal aesthetic. I'm just wondering, do you feel it's important to track changes in your personal style over the years? Is it beneficial to consider how your aesthetic has changed over the course … [Read more...]
David Sonnenschein Special: Exploring Aesthetics, Pt. 1
David and I sat down for another interview, this time to talk about aesthetics and personal style. We tried to focus on a discussion of one's personal stylistic approach in the contexts of self-development and collaboration. It was a long and interesting discussion, so I'm going to break this up into two posts. Here's part 1 of the transcript... Designing Sound: I wanted to … [Read more...]
Behind the Art: Tim Prebble
[Behind the Art is a special section of Designing Sound created with the goal of studying the artistic and creative aspects of sound design, featuring several interviews dedicated to explore the minds and creative approaches of professional sound designers from all sides of the world, with the goal of expand our creative worlds and learn what others do in order to tell great … [Read more...]