Introduction: The problem and search for an efficient solution. Education is a peculiar matter: every country has its own approach when it comes to designing a system that would be effective for everyone. However, in a fast-changing technological world, distinct and creative alternatives to learning have been benefiting those with socio-economic limitations. In addition to … [Read more...]
Sunday Sound Thought #92: Some Thoughts On Audio Games
As has come before; many of these posts will be philosophical in nature. Some will be in contradiction to previous postings. These are not intended as truths or assertions, they’re merely thoughts…ideas. Think of this as stream of consciousness over a wide span…Please bare with us as we traverse the abstract canals of audio musings. This year I took part in Audio Game … [Read more...]
Gamasutra: Zack Quarles On Greater Accesssiblity Through Audio In Killer Instinct
Zack Quarles, Audio Director & Supervising Sound Designer at Microsoft, has written a comprehensive article on the methods & techniques used in the fighting game Killer Instinct, to achieve better accessibility for players without sight through audio. You can read the full story here. … [Read more...]
Role-playing with Sound: An Interview with Drew Becker
As we continue our series focusing on the creators and artists of blind-accessible games, we now interview sound designer Drew Becker. Drew has worked on titles such as Woodsy Studio's Serafina’s Crown and their recently released Echoes of the Fey: The Fox’s Trail. Drew is also the sound designer for the upcoming blind-accessible turn-based strategy game, A Hero's Call, … [Read more...]
Accessible Gameplay for Blind and Sighted Players – An Interview with Per Anders Östblad
With this month's theme of Pure Sound Design, there is no better time than now to talk to the creators of blind-accessible games that communicate their gameplay and stories through audio. However, must these experiences contain only audio? Per Anders Östblad—a Lecturer in Media Arts, Aesthetics and Narration at his alma-mater, The University of Skövde—doesn't think so and shows … [Read more...]
Audio Game Jam To Raise Money For Blindness Charity
From August 26th to September 5th a fund raising game jam specifically focusing on Audio Games will take place on GameJolt. The main aims of the jam are to create interesting, fun games playable by people of any level of sight and raise money for RNIB, a UK-charity for people with sight loss. The games created will be showcased at Techshare Europe 2016, a conference that … [Read more...]