“LoFi” is a concept I am rather intrigued by. “LoFi” to me can mean creative, aesthetic, and technical limitations to a project. It can also mean “old”, in terms of resolution, fidelity, and durability. There is a bit of resurgence (or did it ever really go away) of using old media like vinyl, cassette, and reel to reel tape in music–but not necessarily in “pro” sound design.
I myself have fun using a 4 track cassette deck for producing or dirtying up some drones and beds for side music projects. I’d be interested to hear from people who use “lofi” techniques in their professional sound design for games, film, tv, installations, etc. Things like flashbacks, radio transmissions, period appropriate media playback, etc are all fair game.
All that said- “LoFi” in the scope of this months topic is much broader than my interpretation. “LoFi” could also mean “bitcrushing”, it could mean “simple”, it could mean “quick” or anything else you would want it to. Our monthly topics are the broadest of prompts, and we encourage all involved (and those who have yet to be involved) to define it however they would like.
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Please email jack [at] this site to contribute an article for this month’s topic. And as always, please feel free to go “off-topic” if there’s something else you’re burning to share with the community.