Some really great people have just launched The Audio Mentoring Project. I could paraphrase the press release to explain what it is but instead here is the press release:
Game Audio Veterans Launch One-on-one Mentoring Project
February 21, 2017 — The Audio Mentoring Project (AMP) launched a drive for mentors and mentees today.
The AMP was officially brought online today, celebrating the creation of a unique program for mentorship in the video game audio industry. The AMP’s mission is to connect audio developers to form long-lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships.
The AMP is a group of industry-leading professionals that use their extensive networks of contacts to encourage the learning and development of less experienced members of the Game Audio industry. This volunteer council works closely to facilitate meaningful one-on-one mentorship arrangements to develop the applicant’s skill sets.
The AMP is led and staffed by a group of Game Audio professionals, including:
Ariel Gross – Producer, QC Games (US)
Becky Allen – Audio Director, Popcap (US)
Corina Bello – Assoc. Sound Designer, High Moon Studios (US)
Damian Kastbauer – Technical Audio Lead, Popcap (US)
Dren McDonald – Director, (US)
Kenny Young – Audio Director, AudBod (UK)
Mark Kilborn – Audio Director, Call of Duty (US)
Sally Kellaway – Creative Director, Ossic Studios (US)
Individuals apply for a mentorship program online through the AMP web site. Mentorships are offered as a one-on-one program tailored to the goals of the mentee. The program is designed as a series of four phone calls with the option of an additional project that the mentee works on under the guidance and collaboration of their mentor.
Access to this style of learning is a rarity in the Game Audio industry. Ariel Gross, the initiator of the project, set out with the mission to alleviate the issue of access to knowledge and guidance by creating the AMP. For both the mentors and mentees, it’s about teaching and learning and making new friends, and making sure that we are preparing the new generation entering the Game Audio industry for the challenges that we all face, and lifting people up to new heights.
Ariel Gross commented, “This project exists because we want to leave our field, our industry, and indeed the world as a better place than it was when we came along. It’s a quest to connect great people to each other so that they can learn and grow together, to form awesome new relationships that may never have happened without a little help. Imagine what amazing stuff could come of it!”
The mentorship programs are punctuated by interviews between the mentors and mentees, many of which will be released as podcasts on SoundCloud to help potential applicants be inspired by the process and to show what can be achieved through participation in the project.
For those looking to have an active role in the AMP, check out the website, where there is further information about becoming a mentor or applying for a mentorship. Interested professionals who can contribute to the group as mentors or administrative volunteers are welcome to contact the AMP as well.
Hi Jack,
Thanks for passing this infomration on.
I’d like to ask a semi-related question: what is your opinion on the Game Audio Network Guild (GANG)?
More specifically – do you think it is important to be a part of?
definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY join G.A.N.G.!!
Thank you so much for sharing this, Jack. I thought I’d pay it forward and share, too. I recently came across the mentorship network that Pyramind built ( and it has literally changed my life. I cannot put into words the importance of finding a good mentor, regardless of where or how you connect with them. It’s great to see so many people doing this good work online and helping people grow in the industry!! I will definitely be checking out this new offering from AMP. It sounds so cool!
This website has turned me on to so many great things since it was started. THANK YOU and keep up the fantastic work you are doing!