While we remain firmly committed to our stance of not playing any pranks on this most hallowed of comedic days, that doesn’t mean we can’t honor the spirit behind it. Sound for comedy is a fickle thing. It’s completely predicated on the context and timing of a scene, and there are a million ways to support a gag. From going completely overt and over the top, to ignoring it entirely, the choices made have to reflect the driving vision behind the piece…and every choice provides a different perspective on the gag. So, while we won’t be playing any pranks today, we will be turning our attention to Comedy for the rest of this month.
Feel free to post your favorite sound jokes below. ;)
Just another friendly reminder that we’re always open to hosting guest contributions on the site, both on topic and off. If you have something you’d like to share on this month’s topic, next month’s (which will be “Destruction”) or an idea you’ve come up with yourself, please reach out to us via the contact form or [shaun {at} this website].
How do you make a cat go ‘woof’?
Soak it in gas and light a match
How do you make a dog go ‘meow’?
Freeze it and start your chainsaw
Okay, I know they’re sick but it felt all to appropriate