Now that yesterday’s global silliness is behind us, it’s time to announce April’s theme: “broken”.
What can I say?! We like the open ended topics that provide ample opportunity for interpretation. As sound designers, we rely on manipulation…pushing materials beyond their limits to see what interesting sounds they create under stress, or at that threshold where they go beyond stressed into broken. We twist processors and software tools outside of their intended range or purpose for the same reason. Of course, there’s also the flip side that we sometimes have to deal with. We have software bugs, things like broken video engines [cou-Pro Tool 11-gh…cough, hack…excuse me], files that go corrupt, and all manner of other technical issues outside of our control that we have to wade through sometimes.
So, word associations for “broken”…GO!
A gentle reminder that we are always open to and encourage guest contributions here on Designing Sound. We also like to tell you the next month’s topic here, “Surround”, maybe so you can plan ahead. ;) If you’re interested in contributing something towards this month’s theme, or next month’s, please give us a shout. Interesting “off-topic” posts are welcomed as well. The themes are just to give ourselves a framework to come up with something interesting to talk about. Use our contact form or reach out to shaun{at} designingsound [dot] org to propose a contribution.
I love misusing plug-ins far past their intended use, for instance logics own denoiser, abused, gives great chirps and noises :D