Possibly a first of its kind*, Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, UK, is offering an online Masters degree course in Sound Design. The MSc is offered as an 18-month part-time package, with all course lectures delivered via distance learning. The programme is particularly keen to encourage applications from industry professionals (however you choose to interpret the term), giving them the opportunity to combine theoretical enquiry with contextual practice. Participants can choose to study for just the Postgraduate Diploma (Year 1), or continue with the MSc in Year 2, which involves completing a Masters dissertation. With modules such as Advanced Professional Practice (APP), the course is setting its sights on those who already have at least some degree of professional experience within the industry.
This course could be for you if you are:
• involved with sound design and wish to gain a greater understanding of the subject
• involved with sound design and would like to gain postgraduate qualifications in the field
• In sound production but wish to move into sound design
Entry is possible in September, January or May, and those interested in finding out more can choose from a multitude of ways to contact course leader, Dr Iain McGregor:
• Skype: iainpetermcgregor
• Twitter: @SoundDesignMSc
Not to mention the more conventional email ([email protected]) and telephone (44 131 455 278).
This link is also useful! http://www.courses.napier.ac.uk/SoundDesign_W56742.htm
The URL has changed. http://www.napier.ac.uk/en/Courses/MSc-Sound-Design-Postgraduate-Distance-Learning-part-time