The start of September. The start of a new topic! We’re going out on a limb this month and doing something really different.
“No one is an island.”
“You don’t work in a vacuum.”
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
We are but one small piece in a complex system that builds art. I know many sound professionals who are happy to talk about becoming story tellers, or are always ready to amuse others with some horror story about the project from hell. Too often, we spend our time preaching to the choir, and it’s important to remember that the sound department is not the only group striving to make a piece great. We work with many other people…sometimes directly, but more often indirectly. So, in an effort to reach out to our production brethren, this month will be given over to the their voices. We’ve been tracking down guest contributions from outside of our circle in the hopes that these folks will give you a different perspective to contemplate. Maybe you’ll find inspiration our new ideas to apply to your process, decide that you want to expand your personal circle of artistic communication, or just read an interesting thought or two.
Our work requires us to listen. Let’s take a month to be a little less selective about what we hear.
Do you have media production friends outside of the sound community? If so, please tell them what we’re doing this month, and encourage them to reach out and share their stories and thoughts with us. We want this month to be about more than just the Designing Sound community, and you can help that happen. Have interested parties use the contact form, or e-mail shaun {at} designingsound {dot} org. Next month’s topic will be field recording.