So far this month; Shaun Farley’s Pure Data Wavetable Synth series and Varun Nair’s pep talk An Intimidating Start have been great introductions into the word of Max/MSP and Pure Data (I wish I had those articles when I got started!). I am still quite a beginner myself with Pure Data (and moreso with Max/MSP) so what I thought I would do is share some links that have helped me down this very long rabbit-hole lined with yellow bricks. It should be noted (or else someone else will) that both Max/MSP and Pd have built-in tutorials and lessons. Please consider these links a suppliment or augmentation of those materials.
My intention is this post to become a sort of living document of cool projects and learning resources for Pure Data, Max/MSP and any other DSP Environment out there. As such: this is going to be an incomplete list. If you have any suggested additions to this list please post them in the comments or email me: jack at designingsound dot org.
- Tips for beginning Max/MSP users on SocialSoundDesign by a user named EMV.
- is self explanatory
- A diary on MusicRadar by Chris Wickett on his experiences learning Max/MSP
- Quick .pdf tutorials by Karen Collins
- Great tutorials (with some videos) by Mike Niederquell
- Cycling ’74 Forums
- Cycling ’74 Tutorials
- Cycling ’74 Wiki
- Sound Design with Max tutorials by Mark Durham
Pure Data
- Except from the textbook “Designing Sound” by Andy Farnell
- Comprehensive tutorials on
- Comprehensive tutorials on
- Six Simple Synthesizers tutorial
- CDM post about getting Pd onto your iOS device
- Cornell Electroacoustic Music Center tutorial on using soundfiles
- Video tutorials on using audio features by ob wex
- Super cool Pd abstractions involving sample playback or MIDI
- PURE DATA forum~
- The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music – Miller Puckette
There’s a great load of tutorials for Max and Jitter by dude837 on youtube:
Thanks for the other links.
kyma is not listed but anyway check out my blog for tutorials:
See you!