We’re winding down on the judging, and public voting will open soon.
In the meantime, there’s been a request for a place to discuss the entries. In the past, I’ve opened posts to be dedicated to questions, answers and comments about the entries. This seems like a good time to bring that idea back; after all, I always say that I want us to use this competition to share ideas. If you don’t know what the objectives of this particular challenge were, you can check them out here.
Here are all of the entries for this challenge, feel free to leave questions and comments below:
Wait?! These are the only people who wanted a free plug-in?! Let that be a lesson to all of you who didn’t enter…there are really good odds here. ;)
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20715565″] Sound Design Challenge 11 Dean Covill by deancovill
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20743994″] DI SDC011 // Sound Scavenging by manuél.
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20865300″] Sound Design Challenge 011 by Goopstavos
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20893058″] Sound Design Challenge 11 SW by soundywoman
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20902449″] Sound Design Challenge 11 by bobserra
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20900116″] Sound Design Challenge #11 Sound Scavenging by Sonopolis
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20920015″] Sound design challenge 11 by timvankatwijk
A lot of entries have toilet sound recorded from too close distance. I think this is not the best solution for “dry” sound.
Incomplete scavenging!
Gasp! I think you may be correct. I went so far as to build a fort out of bass traps around my toilet to record that sound. I thought I was a genius, but in the end.. Alas, thwarted by mic placement..
How should a “dry” recording of something like a toilet flush sound like? I find it quite difficult to imagine how it should sound, to be honest to me all entries just sound like a toilet flush :P.
I’m really new to the recording thing, first time i actually “designed sound”. In hindsight I should have paid more attention to the volume of my sounds (especially in respect to each other, the babbling brook sound and the riccochet are almost inaudible).
It’s a lot of fun to listen to the other entries and try to imagine how they did it. My biggest lesson learned was how much little extra sounds can add to the ambience. Especially the galloping horse where most of the rest added little metal sounds and crunching of the grass (how did you do that btw?) was an eye-opener.
Not sure if mine is a good example, but I just scooped up a bunch of dirt and debris from outside, dumped into a shallow box in my living room, and went at it with some coconuts.
I tried adding some leathery/metal sounds for the reigns by twisting an old coax cable and shaking my car keys.
May i ask which entry is yours? since i don’t see any zacks in there :P
My first guess would be that of Dean Covill since that is the most coco-nutty but a Dean Covill is no Zack :P
Oh whoops.. Too many accounts to keep track of.. Mine is the goopstavos one.
Dunno if it’s exactly good, but.. that’s how I went about it anyway.
My vote went for you, (especially for having one of the better riccochet and rocket sounds).
May i also ask how you made the rocket sound? If you just use filtered pink noise (what i did :P) you don’t get the “fire” sound, how did you (or any of the other contestents) achieve that?
Why thank you, sir!
I stole my little brothers Axe body spray, and then recorded myself shooting it through a lighter. That stuff is ridiculously flammable. It makes a cool blow torch-y noise when it touches fire. I used that as the base of my rocket.
I recorded my gas stove turning on for a “thwump” kind of initial ignition noise. As well as more of my sibling’s various colognes into an open flame.
The other main piece was a recording of me sticking a microphone out the window while driving around to get that overloaded lowend sound (An idea which I stole from Ben Burt..)
It came out OK-ish I think for not being able to use library sounds.
All that said, I saw Cowboys and Aliens last night. They have an ICBM style launch sequence in it — which… Holy crap, it blew my freaking mind. My rocket sounds like a gentle breeze compared to their beastly creation. It had this insane midrange crunch. You could totally feel the heaviness of it.
It was freaking awesome. You should definitely check it out. That whole movie sounded cool.