You can ask your own questions to this month special guest Axel Rohrbach. Just leave a comment or send your question(s) to miguel [at] designingsound [dot] org.
Art and technique of sound design
by Miguel Isaza
You can ask your own questions to this month special guest Axel Rohrbach. Just leave a comment or send your question(s) to miguel [at] designingsound [dot] org.
Hey Axel! If you had no choice but to bring only a (handcarry) backpack to a field recording…what equipment would you cram in?
Hi Reev,
sorry for the late reply, there was some kind of misunderstanding.
I would pack:
– a stereo mic setup with a windshield
– my recorder (SD744) with cables
– a bottle of water
– a swiss army knife
– duct tape
– a backup battery for the recorder
– if possible headphones
– if possible a small mic stand
This fits into a bigger handcarry backpack ;-)
What would you take?