As I mentioned in the winner announcement for June’s Challenge, I’ve got some info to share regarding our little competitions.
First off, let me get the least interesting bit of news out of the way. In the course of running these for nearly a year now, it’s become apparent to me that I can’t keep up the once a month schedule (at least, not the way I’d like to). This thing on top of regular work and other responsibilities associated with general life just aren’t working too well together. I don’t want to stop doing it either though, so we’re moving it to an every other month schedule starting with July’s upcoming challenge. So, the next challenge after July will take place in September. This will give me more time to dedicate to the development of each challenge; to make sure they’re interesting and worth your time.
Now for the more interesting news:
Because I’m going to be spreading them out, there’s no reason that I shouldn’t give people more time to participate. From now on, there will be a full three weeks for each challenge (goodbye 10 day time limit). More time, and fewer challenges means we can give more people the opportunity to participate. I feel that’s more important than anything else. The start time for each challenge will remain the same, the third Thursday of the month at 5 P.M. (US Eastern Standard Time)…although, it will only be on odd numbered months.
In addition to the work I’ve been doing on my site, I’ve picked up a few duties here on Since this is a community event, and Designing Sound has a much larger community than my site does. I’m going to be moving the challenge over here, starting with this month’s challenge. Combine the new schedule with the Designing Sound, and it let’s me do something I know you’ll all be interested in….arrange for bigger prizes!
July’s Challenge is being sponsored by McDSP, and we’ll be giving away a license for their Futz Box plug-in to the winner. Big thanks go out to McDSP for sponsoring the upcoming challenge. I’m lining up some cool sponsors for upcoming challenges that I know you’ll be interested in as well, so start flexing those ear and brain muscles!
Keep an eye out here, on the 21st, for details about the next challenge!
See you then.