In an effort to provide more community oriented opportunities, we’re adding a new feature. The Film Sound Discussion Group will be a monthly event where we can all get online together and talk about the use of sound in particular films, their scenes or the use of sound in other forms of media. It’s kind of like a “book club.” We’ll let you know what the topic is going to be, and you’ll have a few weeks to get familiar with the work in question. It will be a little different, because it will be a moderated discussion. We’re going to be easing our way into this while we figure out what works and what doesn’t, but it’s a great opportunity to bring together members of our global community to share ideas and insights.
We’ve also got a great way to kick it off. We’re tying it in with our feature of Coll Anderson this month, and will be discussing the use of sound in the film “Catfish.” We’ll be focusing a bit on the beach scene, but we should have time to branch out to more of the film.
In addition, Coll Anderson has agreed to stop in participate in the discussion. So mark Saturday, June 25th, at 7:00 PM (U.S. Eastern Time) on your calendars. [ed. This is a tentative time, and the exact time may be subject to change. The date should remain the same regardless.] So that leaves you three weeks to get a hold of the film and review it. There are no limits for registration, but the webinar/discussion will have a limit of 200 participants (that’s what the service can handle).
Head here to sign up.
Note: If you can’t make the live discussion, a recording will be available after it occurs. Just make sure to register, and you should receive notification once the recording is available.
looking forward for this Shaun, any leads to where i can watch this film?
That’s why I give you a few weeks. ;)
In all seriousness, services like Netflix (I forgot it’s equivalent in Europe) have the film, so that’s a place to start. For legal reasons, i.e. I don’t want to get sued, we won’t be showing the film (or clips from it) during the session. So, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the film some way prior to it.
I’m looking forward to it!
Excellent idea! Looking forward too
Shaun, I’ll be on set that day – can I somehow get a copy of the transcript of the chat to read for reference later?
I’ll set the webinar to be recorded. If you register, you should be able to access the recording after the fact.
Nice addition to the site. Thumbs up.
I’m looking forward to the Discussion. I’ll make sure to find Catfish on Netflix. Thanks for your great ideas!
Great idea!
Great idea guys, looking forward to it!
Excellent initiative! I look forward to participating!