Could you imagine the concept of television re-imagined for sound designers only? How would that be?
How would be a Field Recording TV channel? or can you imagine a show where you can see how the sound of a recent film was done? or what about watching some channels where you can find other guys like you recording sounds outside the world? What if you could watch interviews with different sound designers each night while you drink a cup coffee?
Well, I’ve created something like that, but using the Internet. It’s called Designing Sound TV, a new website packed with lots videos about sound for films, video games, tv, and more. There you can find all kind of stuff on sound design, field reording, foley, mixing, and more.
In the last years I’ve collected (links/files) many ”making of” videos, featurettes, dev diaries, library promo videos, tutorials, etc. Just any sound design video you can think of. I love that stuff as a treasure, and I realized that you could love it too, so I decided to create a dedicated place where all that videos can be perfectly organized and available to the community.
I created it with the geek sound designers in mind, so there are several features that you’ll love:
It’s not from scratch. DS TV is launched with 400+ videos already tagged, organized and waiting for you.
- Everything is tagged and filtered by Sound Person, Film, or Video Game titles. So, if for example, you want to see all the videos of “Ben Burtt”, you just need go to the Sound Person page and click.
- I’ve seen all the videos published there, so I can guarantee that all is good stuff and doesn’t have inappropriate content. I’ll keep the site updated by myself, so you’ll never find any kind of bot, automated system or similar.
- The site’s structure is designed specifically for video. The video size changes dynamically (ie: when you change from the front page to a single post) and you can also change the video quality directly from the site, no matter the video service used.
You can visit it right now but please remember: it’s beta! so, keep in mind that there can be some issues, bad links, etc. Any problem, bug or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
I’ve worked very hard on this new project and I’ve learned a lot from those videos, so I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot from it as well!
Thanks for your support.
Fantastic work Miguel…thank you so much for all your tireless efforts in helping our community!
DID YOU tag and collect more than 400 videos….crazy young man!!! we love you all :)
Miguel, what a great surprise . Thanks¡¡
gracias por tanto trabajo, y tan bien hecho.
Thanks Miguel!
Incredible work and idea, I will send my links to you.
Miguel is the hardest working man in the business, and he does this all for free!
Miguel, you are awesome, and we appreciate all you do for the Sound Design community.
I’m afraid I can’t use this now because my head just exploded! @#$%:-0
That is absolutely brilliant. Thanks for making such an effort :)
Fantastic! Your the man!
Chapeau bas!
Miguel, you certanly are a blessing for us sound designers out there! You deserve an award!
Congratulations Miguel!
Yes! Award him! Award him!
This is so great! When do you sleep Miguel?
Truly awesome. I’m beginning to believe Miguel is actually a robot though.
Thanks Miguel!
Miguel – Way to go! Fantastic!
You too have become a master educator in our field. It is an honor to include you in all my Sound Design teaching materials, webinars and books as a true colleague. YEAH!
Wow! Many thanks to you, guys!! Your support is fantastic. I love to do this, so it’s really amazing to know you like my work and enjoy the sites. This projects are very important for me.
Thanks for visiting the site. Let’s keep sharing, learning and having fun. :D