Charles Maynes sent me this video of an scene from Saving Private Ryan (which by the way is one of my favorite scenes in films ever) and asked me if I could hear some cool chicken clucks included in a particular moment of the scene. And he adds:
This would be a great example of Gary Rydstrom doing a Warner Brothers Cartoons homage to Treg Brown, who always tried to never use an appropriate sound in a sequence.
So, let’s play something: Who would be the first one to find the chickens in the video? (I know where the chicken clucks are but… it’s friday! so let’s have some fun).
I can hear those sounds quite clearly, however we can’t confirm that those sounds are true chicken clucks. What do you think?
Thanks to Charles for the link.
7mins 48secs? as he throws the impromptu grenade?
4’11 when the tank explodes. Ahaha good job Gary.
I’d say there’s also breaking hisses from a train after the chicken clucks.
My guess is it’s at 4,07, panning left to right. Never would have noticed that :P
Oh yes! Congrats, Jean and Robert… You guessed it!
This could be a pretty cool game for fridays, huh?
Great game for Fridays Miguel, thank you guys and Charles for posting…never noticed that before! Ha! Crazy. :)
by jove you’re right. I was miles off haha! I think I was listening out for that faint gurlging purr that chickens make. and somehow heard it in that grenade throw.
I should probably get out more..
04:07 – 04:11
I swear I did not read the comments before :-)
Nice game….Thank you for sharing!
Will have to watch the movie agein and absorb all the
great sound moments!
Okay, who noticed the Rat squeals in the Omaha Beach scene when the German bunker gets torched and the machine-gunners are jumping out the window on fire? I did!