As you may read on the last post of Audio Implementation Greats, the guys of Game Audio Podcast has released a new incredible episode, which includes the following contents:
Discussion: Procedural Game audio
Special Guests:
– Andy Farnell
– David Thall
– Francois Thibault
This months Game Audio Podcast comes packed with Procedural Game Audio goodness. From start to finish we unravel the meaning of procedural and discuss at length opportunities for it’s application in games. A long time in the making, the release of this episode corresponds with an article on entitled “Procedural Sound Now” which aims to raise the level of awareness for these techniques. A companion round-up of related links and video’s has also been posted at the Lost Chocolate Lab Blog. Still haven’t had enough? Drop us a line and let us know what we’re missing!
Haydn Payne says
Thanks guys, that was a brilliant episode (as usual)
each of the topics you talked about could probably have had its own 1 hour podcast
Anton Woldhek says
Thanks! I totally agree with you, and they will definantly be coming to be discussed in more detail. Any particular ones you would like hear about sooner?
Haydn Payne says
Hi Anton, thats good to hear!
Some interesting stuff from Ep4 that could be discussed more;
– Theory of panning sound in games (& in acoustics/human hearing)
– Is sound a less important sense than vision?
– how sound effects should be procedurally generated/synthesised. More discussion of prodedural mnethods that will get you 80% of your sfx for free!
– Sound designers working in non-sound areas of the game, and non sound staff working with sound