Check this funny video of an advertising campain from a spanish company of natural gas called “Gas Natural Fenosa”. The guy says something like this:
Have you heard about wilhelm scream? It appears in many films. I invented it, but it’s time to retire.
That’s because I choose the “Duchas sin Gritos” (Showers without screams) plan from “Gas Natural Fenosa” with ten months of natural gas for free, and I don’t pay for it until 2011. And you… What plan would you choose?
Thanks to Charles Maynes for the link!
aaaAAaargh ha ha ha… how long is this joke going to last? It is and sounds like a vintage recording, how can designers (and mixers) still make it fit seamlessly in their mixes?! :)
Haha! Love it
Haha!! Brilliant!!!
That was funny, great find Charles!