Almost three months ago, I talked here about the release of a new site called Social Sound Design, created by Andrew Spitz. The concept was to provide a social community where sound guys could collaborate and ask/answer questions between them. Well, the concept have worked and today you find lots of useful and great information given by the users.
You can find al kind of stuff, such as stereo mic configurations, tips on recording gunshuts, or how to work with a specific software and lots of stories on field recording and mixing tips. You can also find personal stories about favorite sounds, or bad recording moment. See how everyone configure his gadgets or what’s inside their field recording bags, or what kind of hard drives they are using. You can discover new software tools sharing your secret weapons, or compare different sound effects libraries and gear.
You can also find sound pros such as Tim Prebble talking about the workflow on the Dubbing Stage and also giving lots of useful adivices to the community. For example:
In the final mix here, aside from the mixers, there are usually 3 sound editors constantly present: myself managing the FX/Ambience/Foley PT, dialogue supervisor handling Dialogue/ADR/loopgroup/crowds PT and the music editor managing the score/source music PT…
Make sure all data is being backed up every night
Make sure all sessions have picture cut version number in their filename
Don’t let yourself get too tired during the mix – it is intense focused work
Be selfless & be prepared to sacrifice your best work for the sake of the film
No one can ever predict context 100%, so be prepared for some surprises
Have fun! Its as good as it gets – you are present the first time the director gets to see & hear their film come together! They may well have spent the last ten years of their life making that film – it is truely magic to experience!
That is just a little of the great info you can find there. We all know there’re another forums and groups to discuss this kind of things and you are free to enter the community you want, Social Sound Design is new and fantastic place with a solid concept and great support from its users. There, all of us can learn and help others to learn too. That’s the goal of this community.
Great site! thanks!