Wait the Oscars were last weekend? Hurt Locker blew up winning both sound categories, positioning sound soup and re-recording mixer Paul Ottosson up on stage for back to back acceptance speeches. Production sound mixer Ray Beckett was the only other sound winner for the film sharing the mixing award with the Swedish ex-sniper. Below are a few interviews with Paul and Ray(the second only with Paul). I really dig the first video from a podcast called DP/30 which put Ray in an imac for his side of the interview…
Paul and Ray (code is wonky, click on the video then hit spacebar)
or avoid all my sillyness and go to DP/30 directly
is there a way to download this video?i´d like to show it on my classes about sound design.
Which one?
The D/P 30 is available here…
the other one is available here…