Recently Blastwave FX created an account on Twitter, a place for announces, goodies, and everything about the company. They had a cool idea: Each day they are posting a sound design definition from his glossary.They have already published several of them:
- AMBIENCE – An element that is a recording of a real world environment, or an element that sets an atmospheric mood.
- TELEMETRY – A transmission of digital beeps that suggests the sound of satellite data being sent or received.
- BED– A constant sound or group of sounds usually over a long duration of 30–60 sec. Unlike a Drone, a bed can be musical in nature
- BLURB – A short element that rises or descends in pitch, similar to a cartoon or multimedia element
- WARBLE – An element that gives wow and flutter as the primary sound.
- BULLET TIME – A heavy whoosh that slows down in pitch rapidly to a stop.
Don’t forget to follow BlastwaveFX on Twitter and receive the definition of each day. The official hashtag is #sdgloss.
I am looking for a word to describe the act of,
the sound you make when, waking up after a good nights rest, during that fist clenching stretch, yawning, and ( blurting ) out uncontrollable sound.
blurt seems to fit talking more.
blurb came to my mind.
what do you think?