There’s a whole heap of stuff going on in the independent SFX community that’s worth making note of. So, here goes…
New Libraries Available Now…
New Sound Lab’s Optical Drives
This library features recordings of computer optical disc drives (two internal desktop CD/DVD-R and one internal laptop slim CD/DVD-R slot-load).
Two induction coil pickups were used to record the electromagnetic fields emitted by the drives, capturing a very unique set of sounds and textures. These range from sharp percussive bleeps, glitchy static and noise, to electromechanical motor sounds, and drones. You’ll find use for many applications, including UI interface design, transitions, sci-fi, robot/servo sounds, technology, and computer sound effects.
Recordings include all functions of the DVD drives, e.g. disc loading, reading, writing/burning, spin up/down, errors, and disc ejecting. Also, each drive was taken apart and manipulated to create additional sounds.
Check it out here!
Coming Soon…
Kyma Ambiences is the third sound effects bundle created by Matteo Milani (U.S.O. Project). The generation of these “Artificial Reality Ambiences” starts entirely in Symbolic Sound Kyma – during the development of – from the processing of white and pink noise by filtering – in the time/spectral domains – and convolving these sources with custom FM, additive, formant and granular synthesis.
Keep an eye out for it here!
Hiss and a Roar
Tim Prebble is releasing two new libraries under his Hiss and a Roar label. They both come out on May 28th. They’ll be available on the Hiss and a Roar website.
Cool Happenings…
Airborne Sound
Has just undergone a site rebuilding and is currently in “beta testing”. What does that mean? It means that Paul Virostek is giving away free effects libraries! He’s already posted the Train Collection and the Crowds Collection. There are three more free libraries on the way, but they’ll only be available for a limited time. Head over to those links now to get your copies and sign up for the newsletter…so you’ll know when the next library is available.
The Recordist
Frank Bry has recently re-launched his website. He’s offering new bundles with the new site design as well. You now have the ability to purchase his complete HD Pro and Soundbox Pro libraries. The bundles can be found at the bottom of the respective product pages. He’s also offering a 30% discount for Memorial Day on all individual libraries (i.e. Bundles and Combos excluded). The sale ends at 11:59PM (PST) on May 27th. To take advantage of the sale, use the coupon code: MEMORIAL2013. Head over to the if you don’t already know what he has available…and if that’s the case, crawl out of the rock you’ve been hiding under all of this time. ;)
Boom LibraryThat image says it all. Boom Library has teased their next library on their Facebook page, but the sale they’re running is the more imminent concern. Now through May 31st, you can get a third library for free when you purchase any 2 using the code: 3FOR2.
Wowie Zowie – interesting looking libraries! And a freebie even…not bad. Thanks for this one…