There are a few educational opportunities coming up next year, all around the globe, and now’s a good time to start planning for them.
This will take up a fair bit of real-estate, so follow the jump to see what’s coming up.
L’Ull Cec: Non-Standard Synthesis
Later this month (the 12th through the 14th), Luc Döbereiner will be leading a three day seminar in Barcelona entitled, “Non-standard Synthesis: Techniques, Aesthetics, Extensions.”
This seminar will explore the history of non-standard synthesis, the developer’s aesthetico-political positions, as well as possibilities of implementing non-standard synthesis methods in SuperCollider. Moreover we will present contemporary extensions of non-standard synthesis and will try to provide the participants with the possibilities to continue to experiment practically.
Details on this series, including a full description of the topics covered each day, can be found here.
The School of Sound Symposium
April brings the return of The School of Sound Symposium to London. This is something I really want to attend myself one day. The symposium is always about the technique, theory and approach.
At the SOS you will not learn about hardware or software. But we can introduce you to the ideas of creatives working at the cutting edge of sound production and inspire you to say, “I never thought of working that way.”
This event happens once every two years. So if you miss this, your next opportunity won’t be until 2015. If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to take a look at “Soundscape: The School of Sound Lectures 1998-2001.” It’s an excellent transcription of some very interesting talks from early in the event’s history.
Macaulay Library Field Recording Workshop
The Macaulay Library has announced the dates for their Field Recording Workshop in California, taking place in June. It’s a pretty unique opportunity, with a maximum participation of only 20 people.
From birds and bats to amphibians and insects, come and learn contemporary techniques for recording the sounds of wildlife with experts from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Macaulay Library. Participants start each day with a morning field recording session, followed by afternoon lectures and demonstrations.
Film Sound Hamburg
Finally (for now), Film Sound Hamburg will be hosting its third “Summerschool for Film Music, Game Music and Sound Design.” It’s a fair ways away. So, only one piece of the program has been announced thus far; a Sound Design Master Class with Watson Wu. Details for Watson’s seminar can be found here. If you aren’t familiar with Watson’s work, he’s pretty well known for his weapon and vehicle recordings for game audio. Here’s a recent video showcasing some of his recordings.
The following is a teaser for an upcoming Korean game I worked on. We multi-track recorded tons of guns out in the Nevada desert. It was a pleasure to work with the Red Duck Inc. team! Enjoy!!
Publisher:, Developer:, Sound producer:
If we find out about any other interesting learning opportunities, we’ll be sure to post them on the site in the future.
Mm! Can’t wait!
See you guys in April on Syposium 2013
Thanks a lot for sharing the news about Luc Döbereiner’s upcoming seminar in Barcelona. One small correction though: the seminar will take place in two weeks from now, from 12 until 14 December… not February!
Sorry about that. Don’t know how I made that mistake, but it’s been corrected. Thanks for catching that!
Thanks for the heads up – this is a really useful post. I will be heading to SOS in April now. So hopefully meet some of you there.