Variety has published a very cool article on how music shapes sound effects. There's a long history in film of finished musical scores being rushed to the final mixing stage and then being shoehorned in amid the dialog and effects in a sometimes contentious battle over sonic real estate. But in recent years, more directors have turned to composers earlier in the filmmaking … [Read more...]
Secrets of Audio Post Survival
Interesting article on Mix Online about different surviving techniques and methods of audio post professionals: There you are: relaxing in that nice, ergonomically correct chair that’s perfectly situated front and center of your console, completely protected from the harsh conditions of the world outside. When you stop and think about technical field crews—those poor camera … [Read more...]
Tim Walston Special: White Noise
[Written by Tim Walston for Designing Sound] Greetings, Designing Sound readers! As a fan of this site myself, I am honored, to be asked to contribute this month. The list of past Featured Designers is very impressive, and the thought of following in their footsteps is a bit daunting (by that I mean terrifying). I feel I must proclaim to you that I definitely do not … [Read more...]
Behind the Art: Randy Thom
Welcome to "Behind the Art", a new section of Designing Sound created with the goal of studying the artistic and creative aspects of sound design, featuring several interviews dedicated to explore the minds and creative approaches of professional sound designers out there, with the goal of expand our creative worlds and learn how others tell stories with sound. There are a lot … [Read more...]
Tim Walston Special: Exclusive Interview
Let's get started with Tim Walston's special month. Here is an interview I had with him, talking about general aspects of his career, his favorite tools, techniques, creativity methods, and more. Hoep you enjoy it! Designing Sound: How did you get started? How has been the evolution of your career until today? Tim Walston: **SNOOZEFEST ALERT!!** The last thing I wanted to do … [Read more...]
MIX Magazine – Sound for Picture: “True Grit”, “The King’s Speech” and “127 Hours”
MIX Magazine recently published several articles on sound for picture. Let's read: SFP: "True Grit" You never know what fascinating world directors Joel and Ethan Coen are going to visit. Their 2009 entry was the Oscar-nominated A Serious Manabout an introspective Jewish fellow in suburban Minneapolis in the late ’60s. The year before that brought us the wacky comic caper Burn … [Read more...]
January’s Featured Sound Designer: Tim Walston
New year, new month, and of course... new guest: Tim Walston, a fantastic person and very talented sound designer/editor who will share lots of cool things with us during this month. Bio Tim Walston was born in Northridge, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles, and spent most of his early years unknowingly growing up very close to major Hollywood film studios. His twin passions growing … [Read more...]