am·bi·ence noun /ˈambēəns/ ambiances, plural; ambiences, plural The character and atmosphere of a place - the relaxed ambience of the cocktail lounge is popular with guests Background noise added to a musical recording to give the impression that it was recorded live Wherever you may be reading this article, stop whatever you are doing, and … [Read more...]
Racing Game Sound Study
A collection of blog posts, and a special edition of the Game Audio Podcast, have been coordinated by Damian Kastbauer and David Nichols on the dense subject of racing game audio. The remarkably in-depth studies (which feature video examples) rip apart audio techniques for the racing genre, investigating subjects such as tire squeals, surface types, camera perspectives, and of … [Read more...]
Interview with Nick Wiswell, Audio director of Turn 10
The vehicle focused Track Time Audio blog has posted an interview with Turn 10's and ex-Bizarre Creations Creative Audio Director Nick Wiswell, covering the production of Forza Motorsport 4 and the pipeline of recording sessions to finished in-game audio for the car engines. TTA: Could you talk a bit about the process a vehicle goes through between recording session and … [Read more...]
On the Unification of the Sound Awards
With Oscar rearing his ugly head, and people again becoming obsessed with little gold statues, I thought it might be a good opportunity to start a discussion on a topic that has been floating around the professional sound community for some time. A few years ago, we began hearing that there was talk within the Academy about the two sound awards, those of Best Sound Mixing and … [Read more...]
Elliott Koretz Special: Exclusive Interview
Here is the first interview with this month's special guest Elliot Koretz, talking about general aspects of his career. How did you get started in sound design? My first industry job was as an apprentice editor in the shipping room at Disney Studios. I was exposed to all types of editing (picture, music, and sound) but I was attracted to sound for not only what I saw as the … [Read more...]
Harry Cohen Special: Exclusive Interview
Let's get started with this month's special. Below is an interview I had with our guest Harry Cohen, talking about the general aspects of his career. How did you get started in sound design and what's been the evolution of your career? I backed into sound design by accident; I showed up at EFX studios in Burbank to do some piano overdubs on a new-age-y album, and met the … [Read more...]
Tutorials: Dialogue Editing, Pro Tools Editing Bootcamp
Some great tutorials I've found recently. Dialogue Editing by John Purcell (via sonicskepsi) [youtube][/youtube] Other parts here. Pro Tools Editing Bootcamp (4-part series) by Brent Heber [vimeo][/vimeo] Part 2 | 3 | 4 … [Read more...]