This online and independent model of sound effects distribution is growing even more each day. Now, the turn is for the talented Michael Raphael, who you may know as the creator of the fantastic Field Sepulchra sound blog. He is announcing the release of his new sound effects company called Rabbit Ears Audio. The company is based on online sound effects distribution for sound … [Read more...]
Charles Deenen's Sound Design Webinar is Available for Viewing Online
Some days ago Charles Deenen gave a webinar talking abou the use Waves plugins for sound design, and also answering some questions from the attendees. The webinar is available for viewing online now! After clicking on a video link you will be prompted to sign into the webinar system. Please use the following information to view any of our previous webinar videos: Username – … [Read more...]
Sound Design Seminar Presents "Essence of Voice Acting"
David Sonnenschein continues with his great series of online seminars. His last seminar about human voice in media was really good. David and his guest gave a cool overview of the power of human voice in media, showed several examples of voice overs, shared tips, techniques, answered questions, and also we listened to an interview with Audio Director David Collins. David is … [Read more...]
Jim Stout Unveils "Stout Sound", His New Website for Online SFX Distribution
This model of sound effects distribution by individual sound designers is becoming even more popular. Now the turn is for Jim Stout, who is announcing the release of his own SFX company called Stout Sound. This time we have a different approach. Jim focuses on developing affordable sound packs including designed sounds ready to use on all kind of multimedia projects. This is … [Read more...]
Develop Magazine: The Evolution of Middleware, FMOD Spotlight and Audio Track 2010
The digital edition of June's Issue of Develop Magazine is available now for download. There is a very detailed article about the evolution of middleware solutions for video games developing, including some aspects of audio middleware tools. There is also information about the Audio Track 2010 panel at Develop Conference that will take place from July 13th to the 15th in … [Read more...]
Online Sound Design Seminar – The Power of Human Voice in Media, with David Sonnenschein and David Collins
David Sonnenschein continue with his fantastic seminar series. The last one was very cool. David shared lots of interesting and inspiring ways to get some creativity using sound in different ways, trying to not only listen, but also analyze the sound in several aspects, feel it, and treat them to achieve different goals. There's a new online seminar scheduled, check the details … [Read more...]
Online Sound Design Seminar – "Psychoacoustic Tools for Creativity", by David Sonnenschein
Some time ago I talked with David Sonnenschein (author of "Sound Design" book) about giving clases and seminars online. We do some research and started to try some platforms and a see what would be the best way to do something like this. Last Thursday David hosted the first online seminar. The announce was a little private, because it was the first time, but... the platform … [Read more...]